Beginning of October, VENTI Group launched their new line of ULTRA & DART Transparent Antennas that got picked up by magazines and news outlets across all industries, here’s a sum-up:
Whether you’re installing DAS or IoT Antennas, aesthetics have become increasingly important to all. However, small form factor and transparency do not allow for superior performance…until now. Venti’s ULTRA DAS Antennas meet all carrier requirements, and together with DART IoT they are superior in performance. ULTRA DAS Transparent form factors include the low profile vertical ceiling blade and the horizontal flat mount which is flush to the ceiling. ULTRA is available in both MIMO and SISO configurations. DART IoT Transparent form factors include both vertical ceiling blade and horizontal flat mount as well, or a stick-on for a wall, cabinet or other convenient structure or device. DART is also dual-band, so in addition to supporting IoT Sensors, Devices and Gateways, DART supports WiFi applications as well. Superior performance, as documented in the antennas specifications (Omni patterns, VSWR, Gain and Efficiency) are based on actual, not simulated testing. And every ULTRA and DART Antenna is tested prior to leaving the factory resulting in virtually zero out of box failures. Venti Transparent Antenna Solutions. Performance, together with Transparency and Quality.
Next Generation Wireless Transparent Antennas – Demand continues for next generation wireless antennas. And the demand includes delivering the impossible; Performance and Aesthetics at a reasonable price. Impossible … until VENTI’s line of Transparent Antennas was introduced! VENTI’s Transparent Antennas line includes the ULTRA series of indoor DAS Antennas and the DART series of dual-band IoT/WiFi/Gateway Antennas.
Leveraging our unique capabilities in the DAS world, VENTI has developed a line of Next Generation DART™ Transparent IoT Antennas that have never before been available to your customer.
A Transparent Dual Band 2.4 / 5 GHz Antenna For Wifi & IoT Devices
Introducing Unique Transparent Products For The 5G and IoT Markets
Real Transparent DAS and IoT Antennas that outperform in every way the existing visible offerings:
Presenting DART™, an IoT Antenna that not only performs better than any other antenna on the market, but is also the only transparent IoT antenna. It comes in a small form-factor (only 40mils thick!), has incredible performance (VSWR, Efficiency, Gain) and is cost-effective. DART = TRANSPARENCY + PERFORMANCE + FORM-FACTOR + LOW-COST!