Virtual Patent Marking.

Venti Group, LLC, is a Manufacturer and Licensor of RF Technology used in products sold by the company and products sold and offered by its commercial partners.

This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

Venti Group Products

The following U.S. patents apply to Venti Group products, including but not limited to MPA360-UWBVMIMO-x, MPA360-UWBVSISO-x, VGMIMO152011MB-x, VGSISO152021MB-X and TechArmor Enhance™:

US Patent Numbers: 8427385; 8289218; 8,325,101; 2,462,657; 8,441,406; 8,638,270; 9,710,576; 8,624,791; 8,803,755; 9,985,363.

Other patents pending.

Chinese Patent Numbers CN102484320A
Japan Patent Numbers JP,5502200,B